Persist, persevere key to success


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Psychological research reveals that many youths begin a project with enthusiasm but end up cutting little ice. What they actually lack is persistence and perseverance. They fail to see that if one way doesn't work, there must be another one which could be rather a better one. They even fail to see that there is a thrilling experience provided they persist and persevere, and thus achieve their goal.

A poet has well said: “Success is just failure turned inside out / The silver tints of the clouds of doubt./ And you never can tell how close you are,/ it may be near when it seems so far./ So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit/ It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.“ True, success is just at the next corner but you have just to reach there. The fear of failure is always self imposed. Doubt creeps in when you weave a cobweb of failure. An iota of fear once allowed to enter one's subconscious mind can create an army of fearful thoughts. And then there is no end to it till you stop it with counter thoughts.

Newton's law states that a body in motion tends to remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. So such negative thoughts of failure must be countered by positive thoughts of success to make you a success.
So many potential achievers have to quit simply because they have no planning.

Planning in advance makes crystal clear what ought to be done, how it be done, and why it be done. It also makes clear how much money does this project require, whose help and cooperation is needed in the tasks at hand. The deeper one goes into planning, the more focused one can be, and nearer to success one can be.
Successful people always have “I can“ attitude. They can never be discouraged by those having “I can't“ attitude. They either join hands with success-oriented people or prefer to remain aloof and make their own persistent efforts.

Never feeling satisfied with less, they always go an extra mile, and win name, fame, progress, and prosperity.
But why people quit? They quit because they have no burning desire. They simply wish to succeed, but take steps half heartedly. They don't put their whole self into the job in hand. If you are one of them, you need to mend your ways. Shun laziness. Be enthusiastic. Feel the thrill of being a winner in advance. Success is just waiting for you when you persist and persevere.

Believe in yourself. Set a deadline to achieve your goal. Take the first step.

Obstacles will come to the fore. But don't fear and don't quit. That is the acid test. People and circumstances shall change in your favour. The divine power is always with the one who persists and perseveres.
Once into the task more and more constructive and productive ideas shall flow to you.

Don't ignore the hunch.
Give it a cool thought. Only useful thoughts can come to the forefront. Nine out of the 10 shall sharpen your focus. It shall be for your benefit. The divine power is that kind. Your persistence and perseverance shall make you tune into the divine pool of wisdom and ultimate power. You shall acquire the goldmine of success and achievement then.

H.W. Longfellow has well said: “Heights by great men reached and kept/ Were not attained by sudden flight,/ But they while their companions slept/ Were toiling upward in the night!“
eStudents Guide: Persist, persevere key to success
Persist, persevere key to success
eStudents Guide
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